Our Companies

TengAble vision is to restore tactile sensation to those who have lost it as a result of injury or illness by developing a medical device that is simple, safe and maintenance-free.
The Need
Loss of tactile sensation is a common phenomenon in patients with traumatic peripheral nerve injury (PNI) or a chronic disease such as diabetes.
The loss of sensation involves a significant functional limitation and the risk of injuries.
The conventional surgical procedures are time restricted and success rates are limited.
Tengable’s Solution
Shai Feinsod, CEO
Shai Feinsod, CEO, Veteran healthcare executive with over 25 years of experience in startups in the US and Israeli market
Ben M. Maoz, PhD - Founder & CTO
Ben M. Maoz, PhD , CTO and Co Founder Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
Amir Arami, MD - Founder & CMO
Amir Arami, MD, CMO and Co Founder Head of Hand Surgery and Microsurgery Department, Sheba – Tel Hashomer
The Market Opportunity
No time frame limitation, or nerve gap distance limitation, for TENGable implementation as in current nerve repair surgical procedures.
Other solutions, such as electronic skin or smart prosthesis, are still in the research phase and are not self-powered as TENGable.
The market size of PNI alone is estimated as 1.3B, based on 250k patients annually, with the potential of 4M more patients currently existing.