Our Companies
Laser Team Medical (LTM)

Laser Team Medical Ltd (LTM) presents a patent-protection state-of-the-art laser cavity, that dramatically changes the skin laser medical abilities. The new laser enables the use of narrow, accurate, deep, or shallow laser holes while maintaining non-painful organ heat.
The company successfully implemented the innovative laser on an optical bench and now tests the laser on the actual skin.
The Need
Treating human skin accurately without pain and sometimes deep within a skar, requires a precise laser. The currently used laser has been used by dermatologists for dozens of years. It has a lot of indications and is worth billions of dollars annually on the market. With this, it has for a long time met its glass ceiling and cannot significantly improve further. For example, the current laser causes pain if treated for a long time. It creates wide holes and cannot penetrate deep scars.
LTM’s Solution
Our breakthrough laser is five times more accurate than the CO2 laser (the LTM laser wavelengths are five times smaller). It uses a much stronger peak power (for deeper holes) while maintaining a lower average power to reduce pain.
In addition, the LTM laser is smaller and less expensive than the current widely used laser.
Alon Shacham, CEO
Mr. Shacham brings 30 years of development and management experience in Israeli and US high technology medical companies. In recent years, Mr. Shacham managed medical laser systems programs at a principal laser systems company.
Prof. Salman Noach, founder, CTO
Prof Salman Noach is a faculty member in the Jerusalem College of Technology.
He is the founder of the solid-state laser laboratory of JCT and Laser Team Medical.
He brings a unique experience in laser development, especially to the 2um spectral Range.
Rotem Nahear and Neria Suliman, Physicists
Physicists who have carried out Msc research into the development of 2um lasers. They have developed a great deal of experience and know-how in this area.
The Market Opportunity
The LTM laser can be used for many medical and aesthetic purposes. LTM decided to introduce the revolutionary laser initially to the skar treatment indication. The global scar treatment market is estimated at between $15 billion and $19 billion each year. Of these, $2 billion to $3.5 billion for laser systems alone!
Other potential markets include rejuvenation of the skin, laser surgery, etc. They all have huge markets.