Our Companies

Ardis Medical is the digital health startup company – the game-changer in the Pelvic Floor Diseases Diagnostics which developed an innovative product for detailed assessment of rectal and anorectal functions in one convenient clinical session.
The Need
Anorectal Manometry – A Global Unmet Need in two niches: Constipation with 24% of worldwide prevalence and Fecal Incontinence with 36% prevalence in adults.
Ardis Medical’s Solution
The Ardis System enables the replacement of the currently used four cumbersome diagnostic tests with one single system for the assessment and diagnosis of pelvic floor disorders. The Ardis System comprises a novel Anorectal Balloon Catheter (ABC), advanced AI-based diagnostic algorithm, and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) platform.
Prof. Yehuda Ringel, MD
Chief Division of GI and Hepatology, Meir Medical Center, Israel.
Adjunct Professor, UNC Department of Medicine, USA.
Dr. Alex Melamud, PhD
CRA, CEO, Founder and InventorMelcap Systems, Israel. CSA, Microtech Medical (Medinol Ltd. sister company). R&D Manager, Biospiral Ltd. and UBT Medical Ltd.
Dr. Arkady Glukhovsky, PhD
VP R&D, Bioness Inc., Alfred Mann Foundation, USA.
VP R&D, CS, Given Imaging LTD. (Yoqneam, Israel. Acquired by Medtronic/Covidien in 2014, for $860M).
The Market Opportunity
The market size for the Global Pelvic Floor Diagnostic Market is estimated for USD 92.6 M in 2022 and forcasted for USD 156.9 M in 2032.